Employee Advocacy and Support
Have you ever been in a situation where you needed help understanding your health insurance, but you didn’t know where to turn or who to contact for help? At PES, we have heard story after story of employees in this exact situation, so we decided to do something about it.
Last year, PES launched our Employee Advocacy and Support program with the understanding that employees often need a hand navigating the healthcare system. Our team provides guidance to employees that may have questions about navigating claims, qualified life events, billing, dependents, and more. We act as the liaison between employees and carriers to ensure that employees feel empowered to take full advantage of their benefits. Here are a few ways that Employee Advocacy and Support can benefit your team:
Eases the Burden on HR Teams
Our team is prepared to answer questions employees may have regarding their benefits, allowing HR teams to focus on running the day-to-day operations of your business.
Empowers Employees
When employees know that they have someone they can go to with their plan-related questions, they feel empowered to take full advantage of their benefits.
Improves Productivity
Benefit related issues can become stressful for employees, distracting them from their responsibilities. Our team helps to quickly resolve issues so that employees can focus on their work.
Saves Money
Our team can help control healthcare costs for employees by providing them with cost-related plan details, empowering them to use their benefits as efficiently as possible.
To learn more about our Employee Advocacy and Support program, visit us at www.pesenrollments.com/employee-advocacy.